" fashion is poison "
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
what is your favourite colour and why ?
haha . hello peeps !
today i'll talk about our favourite colour and his relevance on our daily life .
lolx , orite then .
i took this question from diana rikasari cuz i think its sweet .
so sorry sis im take it without your permission . hehee .
guess what , im truely in love with your bloggie .
dont know why . its just giving me some inspiration for making my blog .
actually im entering this bloggers cuz i like writing .
i cant stand looking at pen and papers .
lolx . so i make decision to make blog .
then start writing . hehee .
back to basic , oukie . emm .
my favourite colour is PURPLE .
die hard fans ou . hahahaa .
cuz i think purple describe me as well .
cant live without this colours even in one second .
like to looking at everyday .
never miss in all of my stuff .
but sometimes i was asking myself .
why ? why ? and why ?
never get the answer until now . huhuu .
then im in love with RED colour too .
so daring and sexy i guess . hahaa .
but didnt like it very much as my purple colour .
RAINBOW colour ?
awesome !
so colourful . hehee .
like it two three four .
hahahahaa . back in my kids world .
sweet :)
got nothing to say ,
adios ! cheers !
Thursday, August 26, 2010
14 days LEFT ~
Assalamualaikum :)
alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat ilahi .
aq mc lek ada hingga ke ari nhe . hihi .
trep btl ou bckp . hahaa .
cpt btl ms ranadhan nhe blalu kn .
tggl 14 ari lek mao raya , astagaaa .
nda sngka ou .
mcm br kmrin sejaa start posa . huhukk .
then ? hm , nhe lhaa posa yg blg nda best aq rasakn .
netaw napa . full of sadness org blg . kuikui .
aura mao raya nhe pn teda lek singgah dlm umah km nhe .
suma full of kesuraman . adeii .
kenapa ka begituuu ???
aduii bkn juak aq mao myangkal cobaan yg TUHAN berikn ,
tp at least , bg lhaa aq kebahagian mnyambut bln yg mulai nhe .
huff ~
raya preparation ? netaw netaw .
tedaa lek dlm utak aq .
br raya pn lum lek d ambik .
mlz ehh teda mood .
biar lhaa dulu kaw beperam d sna . hahahaa .
cian kaw baju . jd mangsa keadaan pla .
well nhe sejaa mao tulis2x .
sowt sua utak . tradadaa :)
farewell for census 2010 .
hahahaa .
the bangang memorial ever !
my friends for banci
tp bkn suma .
nhe sbhgian sejaa :)
bye2x banci .
jmpa dlm masa 10taun lek .
wahahahaa :D
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
bila tanganku gatal dan mula rolling rambut , hahaa ~
nhe lha hasilnya . hahahaa .
gerebang sua rmbutku . miahahahaa .
sowt dehh . pnjg sua rupanya rmbutku .
hikhikk . ainaa . mao kc butak ka nhe taw nda yea ?
ada ms lek mao pkr2x . lek kaw yine :)
ka mao d kc curl ? byk btl sua pesen dlm otak nhe .
apa2xpn tggu pas gaji oukie ?
adios ! cheers !
bunguu sejaa lebihh ~
what did i do ? lolx .
membanci lha . hahakk .
nhe pix yg aq amik time buhsan . time tggu bas .
netaw sua aq mao bwat apa .
kacau org pn buhsan so lyn prasaan seja lha sndri2x . hee ~
today nhe ( kunun lha padahal mao 1 week sua nhe pix )
aq lasy mmbanci . yeayy !!
akhirnya . abes juak .
abesmu lha yine . byk lek mao d isi 2 kertas .
hahahahaa . budhu btl !!
nhe lha panorama tawau .
bida kn . hahahaa .
yg 1st picture 2 , jln kuar dr kwsn umah aq .
yg 2nd and 3rd , picture dr atas wisma ds .
lastly , bazar ramadhan d bgnn mara tawau .
nasib 2 buli take picture cuz pai sungkai sua kn .
law nda jgn kaw hrp lha .
mmpi kaw . tesipit sejaa kaw d tgh2x nnt . hahahaa .
chumil kn totos nhe .
mcm totos c angah d umah .
cuma yg nhe bsr ckit lha .
and dea sepasang .
c angah pny totos cian .
mmbujang smpi matik kli .
andu whaa , sbb psgn dea matik sua time d bw dr kk .
mmg nda buli bpsgn lha whaa .
asal d belikn ja matik , matik ja asal d belikn .
nsb kaw lha totos .
TUHAN sua tntukn g2 kli kn . hee ~
just 3 of us !!
astagaa pny nmpk gumuk aq pki baju hitam 2 .
hahahaa . gylaa nhe .
miss ou sm 2 baju .
cheers lha tuk catering batch 06/07 :)
tp aq heran pla taw , napa aq pki baju 2 bsr btl ?
sowt nhe . pdhl dulu ngam2 sua .
ahh lantak kaw lha . yg pntg ada baju kn :)
aq sbnrnya netaw apa sbnrnya yg aq mao ckp d cni cuz
mindaku kusut .
just mao bkuyayang sejaa d cni .
budhu kn aq nhe .
teteda nhe taw .
apa2x pn mat bposa lha sm suma .
1 mggu 1 ari sua kt posa nhe .
kick always ahh :)
adios ! cheers !
Thursday, August 12, 2010
sec0nd day fasting =___+
Assalamualaikum :D
second day fasting .
mc istidy whaa aq .
hahaii .
yaii . tawau ujan deh .
cuaca yg amat2x bgs tuk bln posa nhe .
mucho grasias TUHAN .
bln posa nhe mmg btl2x mulia ou .
huhukk .
then adeii nhe cita sal kmrin ou .
siannya aq sungkai d jln lek .
uwhaaaaa !!
apa buli bwat . kja kn .
haishh mao seja aq mmaki ou .
nasib posa :)
ngee ~
astagaa mcm mgac taubat ou aq sm banci nhe .
hurm :(
kmrin tmpt yg aq banci 2 tmpt2x org myewa d bndr 2 whaa .
atukuii cobaan btl .
sua lha tmpt dea bauk . org2x dea lek ,
subhanallah .
nda dpt aq bygkn gan kata2x .
tjmpa bitch lek tp bitch tuak ou .
nda buli juak aq ckp aq geli cuz dea 2 pn makhluk TUHAN juak bha .
cm keadaan km sejaa yg bbeza .
heyy . btl2x lha taw .
first and last lha nhe aq ikt kja yg
namanya BANCI nhe .
pasni nda lha sua .
tima kasih sejaa .
trep sejaa kjaan tp nda juak cpt gaji .
nhaa kaw tingu !!
kuar sua suara ketidakpuashatianku sal gaji nhe .
&#%$@ btl whaa !!
smpi skrg lum lek gaji .
pnyaa lhaa taw .
kering gylaa ding dong sua aq nhe .
please lha .
law ada ati pwut tlg2x lha pkr dehh '==
dushh ! dushh !
huhuu .
then slmt bposa lha tuk suma umat islam yg ada d muka bumi nhe .
posa k'2 sua nhe .
rugi law nda posa smpi abes .
walaupun kt nhe nda sempurna dr pelbagai pkara ,
skurang2xnya kt kejakn lha rukun islam k'3 nhe .
nda ssh pn posa bhaa .
nda mkn ja 1 ari tp gan niat yg ikhlas lhaa .
sumanya ke atas yg HADRAT ILLAHI .
trep2x diet lha kunu .
haha ,
adios ! cheers !
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
nda buli tgk time posa nhe . huhuu . but lagu dea nhe siukk :')
istUry aboUt pOsa ^____^
assalamualaikum :)
barusan aq ucap salam dalam blog nhe . hee ~
slm nhe ucap juak bha tp dlm hati ja . biar aq dan DIA seja yg mndgrnya .
alhamdulillah . ari nhe posa at the first day :)
setengah ari sua pn blalu . adaii lemas sua aq joo .
hahahahahaa :)
ari nhe aq keja mlm lek . aduduii . matai law kja siang .
belimpang karang aq d jln :)
td aq br ja pas tingu ketuk2x ramadhan :)
whoaa ! siukk dehh :)) hikhikk ~
most rancangan yg plg aq suka tingu time bln2x ramadhan yg mulia nhe .
hihihiii .
alala ~ lemas sua aq tingu adekku yg bongsu nhe .
cian dehh . sbr yea dik . tggl 5 jam ja lae :)
ttiba aq ingat ou zaman2x aq mula posa dulu .
lucu juak law d ingt balik . hahahahaa .
aq start posa time tadika .
cehh trep mao awal2x posa lha nhe kunuk cuz nemao miss dpt dwet raya leB kn .
hahahaa .
then g tadika lha nhe kunuk .
mostly km pn taw lha whaa kn , bdk2x tadika nhe salunya nda posa .
aq nhe first2x trep kuwl lha kunuk .
adeii . sklinya sblm km blk 2 , km suma aq d bg hamper kcik lha
tuk sungkai . dpt seja 2 hamper , aq tingu suma kwn2x aq mkn .
aishh nhaa , nda ketahanan juak imanku nhe joo .
then aq pn mkn lha juak skli . hahahahaa .
sowt nhe :) pastu umi amik aq dr skula .
then cigu aq ckp gni gan umi aq ,
" kak , c nooraini nhe posa ka ? "
umi jwb ,
" aii , posa cigu . knp ? "
truz ciguku bilang ,
" ala kak . tbuka posa sua dea . mkn krupuk
dea td . "
ou . e2 umi ckp smbil mgangguk2x .
hahahahaa . bida eh .
smbil jln kaki jln plg umah umi tny aq .
" napa kaw mkn krupuk td ? kaw kn posa ."
aq jwb ,
" iyea lha tp ciguku bilang td , nhaa nhe
krupuk km ble mkn yea time sungkai . td pn aq tingu
kwn2xku suma truz mkn jd
aq pkrkn sungkai sua . "
wakakakakakakaaaa .
sowt kaw yine !!
ada ka bg2 kunuk ? ateii ~
umi katawak2x seja time 2 .
and now , suma durg suka uluk aq sal peristiwa 2 .
hahahahaa . nda jd kudis pn sm aq
cuz aq pn katawak juak law durg ckp sal hal 2 .
alangkah indahnya time 2 .
innocent banget .
tp aq bg aq lha kn . nakal2x aq nhe ,
aq plg lha nda suka ponteng posa sbnrnya .
biar jht taw bdusa gylaa bnda2x yg aq bwat ,
posa nhe lha yg aq rasa btl2x mao bwat dlm idup aq .
netaw napa . rasa siukk banget .
mcm free aq rasa law bwat posa nhe .
huhhukk =___+
biar pn lapar , dahaga . penat tp
kepuasan posa 2 ttp ada .
mmg btl2x mulia bhaa ramadhan nhe .
mmbawa seribu pengertian .
seribu erti .
keinsafan 2 betubi2x bha dtg dlm diri .
tp herannya napa time posa ja ?
astagaa !!
time aq skula menengah pn g2 .
rilek sejaa time posa tp moment yg plg aq nda buli lupa lha time posa nhe .
moment posa time form 5 . aishh law aq ingt2x blk ,
pny lhaa gylaa . mcm teda otak ou time 2x .
harap2x d ampunkn lha dusa km nhe .
d suh posa tp cbuk bwat dusa .
ada kaaaaa ????
then ,
thankx lha 2 all my friend cuz wishing for posa .
espesially for c pijal . mmg nda pna miss ou kaw wish aq
tiap2x taun .
sedey juak aq nhe sbnrnya .
taun nhe lha dea nda wish posa pn sm aq . msg pn nda .
huhuu . pdhl law d pkr2x bkn teda pn dea pny kdt
cuz law dea online pki mobile web juak bha .
mustahil lha nda gna kdt kn .
hmm . nda pa la . aq rs cukup sua even kwn2x aq yg wish .
teda dea pn nda pa sua .
lyn lha idup kaw yg trep2x busy 2 .
law mao d ckp busy , cbuk juak mrep kumin dlm fb .
apa daa . apa2x mu lhaa .
harap kaw bhgia salu cuz pnipuanmu 2 .
tima kasih yea .
adios ! cheers !
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
selamat tinggal SYA'BAN . selamat datang RAMADHAN :)
huff ~
hari yg amat2x memenatkan .
sgt2x lhaa .
huahuahuaa .
nda sngka mlm nhe tgk anak bulan sua .
e2 tandanya kt bakal memasuki alam RAMADHAN .
cewahh ! ayatku joo :)
nda sngka yea .
bisuk nhe 1 ramadhan sua .
quick gylaa masa berlalu mninggalkn kt .
mc bersukurr cuz mc d kc nafas utk bertahan .
huihh !! aq dgr2x org mengaji 2 .
astagfirullah . insaf aq truzz joo .
byk btl dusa aq nhe .
hmm :(
at the same time , sedey lha juak .
taun nhe maybe km raya sndri2x lek .
sadisnya joo .
family d semenanjung nda blk .
and taun nhe nda jd raya d sandakan .
uwaaaaaaaaaa :(
buzy btl d cni kn cuz c along mao kawen .
korban lek :(
tp mmg mncabar lha taun nhe pny posa taw .
posa smbil jln2x , smbil b'pnz , smbil b'hujan .
adeii . matik aq dehh =.=
nda pa ! akn aq tempuhinya juaaaa .
then posa tnpa DEA lek .
huhuu . nda pna posa sm2x dehh sjk 4 taun yg lalu :')
last pn time skula dulu .
e2 pn bwat kes lek .
wakakakakakakakakaaaa .
nakal btl taw :)
hihii .
c noolak !!
merangkap adek aq yg paling badigul dan myakitkn ati .
tp walaupun g2 dea nhe lha yg plg bek , mmahami lha juak kdg2x
dan sng mao d suruh .
kuang . kuang . kuanggg :)
istidi kaw salu yea dik .
km nhe kuat juak bgdh .
dulu aq yg men antam dea , skrg dea pla yg siksa aq .
hahahahaa . lucu pla taw .
but dea salu share masalah dea lha ma aq .
e2 kli yg mmbwatkn km rapat .
dulu twin kunuk , skrg trep lha dea jd abg aq .
yea lha . aq nhe kn kcik .
kambing btl . hahahaa .
story for today ?
km g belanja tuk posa kunuk .
mak aii ! aq tingu org2x lha kn ,
belanja posa ja mcm tuk belanja ari raya taw .
servay pn sap sap suii bhaa .
pny gylaa org tawau nhe .
byk lek org d bndr 2 . pny lhaa '==
smpi kuar sua bauk2x pilak .
hahahahahaa .
c inul lha jd mangsa keadaan .
tkg bawa barang .
hehaaaa .
nhaa e2 seja cita . netaw mao stury apa lek :)
adios ! cheers !
Monday, August 9, 2010
what is skinhead ?
A skinhead is a member of a subculture that originated among working class youths in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, and then spread to other parts of the world. Named for their close-cropped or shaven heads, the first skinheads were greatly influenced by West Indian (specifically Jamaican) rude boys and British mods, in terms of fashion, music and lifestyle. Originally, the skinhead subculture was primarily based on those elements, not politics or race. Since then, however, attitudes toward race and politics have become factors by which some skinheads align themselves. The political spectrum within the skinhead scene ranges from the far right to the far left, although many skinheads are apolitical. Fashion-wise, skinheads range from a clean-cut 1960s mod-influenced style to less-strict punk- and hardcore-influenced styles
history ?
In the late 1950s, the United Kingdom's entrenched class system limited most working class people's educational, housing, and economic opportunities. Nevertheless, Britain's post-war economic boom led to an increase in disposable income among many young people. Some of those youths spent that income on new fashions popularised by American soul groups, British R&B bands, certain movie actors, and Carnaby Street clothing merchants. These youths became known as mods, a youth subculture noted for its consumerism and devotion to fashion, music and scooters.
Mods of lesser means made do with practical clothing styles that suited their lifestyle and employment circumstances: work boots or army boots, straight-leg jeans or Sta-Prest trousers, button-down shirts, and braces (called suspenders in North America). When possible, these working class mods spent their money on suits and other sharp outfits to wear at dancehalls, where they enjoyed soul, ska, bluebeat and rocksteady music.
Around 1965, a schism developed between the peacock mods (also known as smooth mods), who were less violent and always wore the latest expensive clothes, and the hard mods (also known as gang mods, lemonheads or peanuts ), who were identified by their shorter hair and more working class image. These hard mods became commonly known as skinheads by about 1968. Their short hair may have come about for practical reasons, since long hair can be a liability in industrial jobs and in streetfights. Skinheads may also have cut their hair short in defiance of the more middle class hippie culture.
In addition to retaining many mod influences, early skinheads were very interested in Jamaican rude boy styles and culture, especially the music: ska, rocksteady, and early reggae (before the tempo slowed down and lyrics became focused on topics like black nationalism and the Rastafari movement).
Skinhead culture became so popular by 1969 that even the rock band Slade temporarily adopted the look as a marketing strategy. The subculture gained wider notice because of a series of violent and sexually explicit novels by Richard Allen, notably Skinhead and Skinhead Escapes. Due to largescale British migration to Perth, Western Australia, many British youths in that city joined skinhead/sharpies gangs in the late 1960s and developed their own Australian style.
By the 1970s, the skinhead subculture started to fade from popular culture, and some of the original skins dropped into new categories, such as the suedeheads (defined by the ability to manipulate one's hair with a comb), smoothies (often with shoulder-length hairstyles), and bootboys (with mod-length hair; associated with gangs and football hooliganism). Some fashion trends returned to the mod roots, with brogues, loafers, suits, and the slacks-and-sweater look making a comeback.
In 1977, the skinhead subculture was revived to a notable extent after the introduction of punk rock. Most of these revivalist skinheads reacted to the commercialism of punk by adopting a look that was in line with the original 1969 skinhead style. This revival included Gary Hodges and Hoxton Tom McCourt (both later of the band the 4-Skins) and Suggs, later of the band Madness. From 1979 onwards, punk-influenced skinheads with shorter hair, higher boots and less emphasis on traditional styles grew in numbers and grabbed media attention, mostly due to football hooliganism. There still remained, however, skinheads who preferred the original mod-inspired styles.
Eventually different interpretations of the skinhead subculture expanded beyond Britain and continental Europe. In the United States, certain segments of the hardcore punk scene embraced skinhead styles and developed their own version of the subculture.
dressings ?
In addition to short hair, skinheads are identified by their specific clothing styles. Skinhead fashions have evolved somewhat since the formation of the subculture in the 1960s, and certain clothing styles have been more prevalent in specific geographic locations and time periods. There are several different types of skinheads in terms of style. Some skinheads do not fit into any of these categories, and many display characteristics of more than one category. The usefulness of these terms is to explain the dominant skinhead styles. There are no reliable statistics documenting how many skinheads have belonged to each category.
Traditional skinheads, also known as trads or Trojan skinheads, identify with the original 1960s skinhead subculture in terms of music, style and culture. Oi! skinheads appeared after the development of punk rock in the 1970s. They often have shorter hair and more tattoos than 1960s skinheads, and wear items that differ from those of their traditionalist counterparts, such as: higher boots, tighter jeans, T-shirts and flight jackets. Hardcore skinheads originated in the United States hardcore punk scene in the early 1980s. Their style is also less strict than that of the traditional skinheads.
In the early days of the skinhead subculture, some skinheads chose boot lace colours based on the football team they supported. Later, some skinheads (particularly highly political ones) began to attach significance to the colour of laces to indicate beliefs or affiliations. In a few cases, the colour of braces (also called suspenders), and (less commonly) flight jackets may also signify affiliations. The particular colours used have varied regionally, and have had totally different meanings in different areas and time periods. Only skinheads from the same area and time period are likely to interpret the colour significations accurately. The "braces and laces game" has largely fallen into disuse, particularly among traditionalist skinheads, who are more likely to choose their colours for fashion purposes than for expressing views.
The following list includes many of the clothing articles that have been worn by skinheads.
Men: Originally, between a 2 and 3 grade clip-guard (short, but not bald); beginning in the late 1970s, typically shaved closer, with no greater than a number 2 guard. At this time, side partings were sometimes shaved into the hair. Now some skinheads clip their hair with no guard, and some even shave it with a razor. This started with the introduction of the Oi! scene. Some skinheads sport sideburns of various styles, usually neatly trimmed.
Women: In the 1960s, many female skinheads had mod-style haircuts. During the 1980s skinhead revival, many female skinheads had feathercuts (known as a Chelsea in North America). A feathercut is short on the crown, with fringes at the front, back and sides. Some female skinheads have a shorter punk-style version of the hairstyle; almost entirely shaved, leaving only bangs and fringes at the front.
Long-sleeve or short-sleeve button-up shirts or polo shirts by brands such as Ben Sherman, Fred Perry, Brutus or Jaytex; Lonsdale or Everlast shirts or sweatshirts; collarless grandad shirts; V-neck sweaters; sleeveless sweaters; cardigan sweaters; T-shirts (plain or with text and/or images related to the skinhead subculture). Some Oi! and hardcore-oriented skinheads wear plain white tank top undershirts, especially in North America.
Coats, jackets and suits:
Fitted blazers; MA-1 type flight jackets (popular brands: Alpha and Warrior), usually black or green; denim jackets (often blue); Harrington jackets; donkey jackets; monkey jackets; Crombie-style overcoats; short macs; sheepskin 3/4-length coats; parkas. Traditional skinheads sometimes wear suits, often made out of two-tone tonic fabric (shiny mohair-like material that changes colour in different light and angles), or in a Prince of Wales or houndstooth check pattern.
Women: Same as men, with addition of dress suits—composed of a ¾-length jacket and matching short skirt.
Sta-Prest flat-fronted slacks and other dress trousers; Jeans (normally Levi's, Lee or Wrangler), parallel leg, hemmed or with rolled cuffs (turn-ups); combat trousers (plain or camouflage). Jeans and slacks are worn deliberately short to show off boots, or to show off socks when wearing loafers or brogues. Jeans are usually blue, sometimes splattered with bleach to resemble camouflage trousers (popular among Oi! skinheads).
Women: Same jeans and trousers as men, or skirts and stockings. Some skingirls wear fishnet stockings and mini-skirts, a style introduced during the punk-influenced skinhead revival.
Skinhead style: Dr. Martens boots with Levi's jeansFootwear:
Boots, originally army surplus boots or generic workboots, then Dr. Martens boots and shoes; brogues; loafers. During the 1960s, steel-toe boots were called bovver boots. Suedeheads sometimes wore coloured socks, such as in red, orange or green. In recent years, other brands of boots, such as Solovair, have become popular among skinheads, partly because Dr. Martens and Grinders are no longer made in England. Football-style athletic shoes, by brands such as Adidas, have become popular with some skinheads.
Women: Same as men, with the addition of monkey boots.
Trilby hats; pork pie hats; flat caps (Scally caps or driver caps), winter woolen hats (without a bobble). Less common have been bowler hats (mostly among suedeheads and those influenced by the film A Clockwork Orange).
Braces (Suspenders):
Braces (known in North America as suspenders), various colours, usually no more than 1 inch in width, clipped to trouser waistband. In some areas, braces much wider than that may identify a skinhead as either unfashionable or as a white power skinhead. Traditionally, braces are worn up in an X or Y shape at the back, but some Oi!-oriented skinheads wear their braces hanging down.
Silk handkerchiefs in the breast pocket of the Crombie-style overcoat or tonic suit jacket, in some cases fastened with an ornate stud. Later, pocket flashes became popular. These were pieces of silk in contrasting colours, mounted on a piece of cardboard and designed to look like an elaborately folded handkerchief. It was common to choose the colours based on one's favourite football club.
Badges and scarves:
Button badges or sewn-on fabric patches with text and/or images related to the skinhead subculture in general, bands, affiliations or beliefs. Woollen or printed rayon scarves in football club colours, worn knotted at the neck, wrist, or hanging from a belt loop at the waist.
Some suedeheads carried closed umbrellas with sharpened tips, or a handle with a pull-out blade. This led to the nickname brollie boys.
musicx ?
The skinhead subculture was originally associated with black popular music genres such as soul, ska, rocksteady and early reggae. The link between skinheads and Jamaican music led to the development of the skinhead reggae genre, performed by artists such as: Desmond Dekker, Derrick Morgan, Laurel Aitken, Symarip and The Pioneers.
In the early 1970s, some reggae songs began to feature themes of black nationalism, which many white skinheads could not relate to. This shift in reggae's lyrical themes created some tension between black and white skinheads, who otherwise got along fairly well. Around this time, some suedeheads (an offshoot of the skinhead skinhead subculture) started listening to British glam rock bands such as The Sweet, Slade and Mott the Hoople.
The most popular music style for late-1970s skinheads was 2 Tone, which was a fusion of ska, rocksteady, reggae, pop and punk rock. The 2 Tone genre was named after 2 Tone Records, a Coventry, England record label that featured bands such as The Specials, Madness and The Selecter. Some late-1970s skinheads also liked certain punk rock bands, such as Sham 69 and Menace.
Also in the late 1970s, after the first wave of punk rock, many skinheads embraced Oi!, a working class punk subgenre. Musically, Oi! combines standard punk with elements of football chants, pub rock and British glam rock. The Oi! scene was partly a response to a sense that many participants in the early punk scene were, in the words of The Business guitarist Steve Kent, "trendy university people using long words, trying to be artistic ... and losing touch". The term Oi! as a musical genre is said to come from the band Cockney Rejects and journalist Garry Bushell, who championed the genre in Sounds magazine. Not exclusively a skinhead genre, many Oi! bands included skins, punks and people who fit into neither category (sometimes called herberts[citation needed]). Notable Oi! bands of the late 1970s and early 1980s include Angelic Upstarts, Blitz, The Business, Last Resort, The Burial, Combat 84 and The 4-Skins.
American Oi! began in the 1980s, with bands such as The Press, Iron Cross, The Bruisers and Anti-Heros. American skinheads created a link between their subculture and hardcore punk music, with bands such as Warzone, Agnostic Front, and Cro-Mags. The Oi! style has also spread to other parts of the world, and remains popular with many skinheads. Many later Oi! bands have combined influences from early American hardcore and 1970s British streetpunk.
Although many white power skinheads listened to Oi! music, they also developed a separate genre that was more in line with their politics: Rock Against Communism (RAC). The most notable RAC band was Skrewdriver, which started out as a non-political punk band but evolved into a neo-Nazi band after the first lineup broke up and a new lineup was formed. RAC started out musically similar to Oi! and punk, but has since adopted elements from other genres. White power music that sounds like hardcore is sometimes called hatecore.
racism , anti-racism and his politic too :)
In the late 1960s, some skinheads in the United Kingdom (including black skinheads) had engaged in violence against South Asian immigrants (an act known as Paki bashing in common slang). There had, however, also been anti-racist and leftist skinheads since the beginning of the subculture, especially in Scotland and northern England.
Unidentified white power skinhead. His badge says "Skinheads - Weiss und stolz" ("Skinheads - White and proud").These early skinheads were not necessarily part of any political movement, but by the early 1970s, some skinheads aligned themselves with the white nationalist National Front.[citation needed] As the 1970s progressed, racially-motivated skinhead violence in the United Kingdom became more political, and far right groups such as the National Front and the British Movement saw a rise in white power skinheads among their ranks. By the late 1970s, the mass media, and subsequently the general public, had largely come to view the skinhead subculture as one that promotes racism and neo-Nazism.[citation needed] The white power and neo-Nazi skinhead subculture eventually spread to North America, Europe and other areas of the world. The mainstream media started using the term skinhead in reports of racist violence (regardless of whether the perpetrator was actually a skinhead); this has played a large role in skewing public perceptions about the subculture. Three notable groups that formed in the 1980s and became associated with white power skinheads are White Aryan Resistance, Blood and Honour and Hammerskins.
Also during the late 1970s and early 1980s, however, many skinheads and suedeheads in the United Kingdom rejected both the far left and far right. This anti-extremist attitude was musically typified by Oi! bands such as Cockney Rejects, The 4-Skins Toy Dolls, and The Business. Two notable groups of skinheads who spoke out against neo-Nazism and political extremism — and in support of traditional skinhead culture — were the Glasgow Spy Kids in Scotland (who coined the phrase Spirit of 69), and the publishers of the Hard As Nails zine in England.
Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) logoIn the United States, anti-racist skinheads countered the neo-Nazi stereotype by forming organizations such as The Minneapolis Baldies, which started in 1986; Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP), which was founded in New York City in 1987 and then spread to other countries; and Anti-Racist Action (ARA), which was formed in the late 1980s by members of the Minneapolis Baldies and other activists.
Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) logo on the far left of the skinhead subculture, redskins and anarchist skinheads take a militant anti-fascist and pro-working class stance. In the United Kingdom, two groups with significant numbers of leftist skinhead members were Red Action, which started in 1981, and Anti-Fascist Action, which started in 1985. Internationally, the most notable left-wing skinhead organization is Red and Anarchist Skinheads, which formed in the New York City area in 1993 and then spread to other countries.
In the United States, conservatism has been common in the skinhead scene, with many non-racist skinheads expressing right-wing and anti-communist views, glorifying American military actions and voicing opposition to modern liberalism.
keep the spirit on !
sharing is caring mates !
oi ! oi ! oi !
fasa 3 ? sangat lha super nova feat super runsing =.=
haha .
love this scooter .
law lha d zam zam alakazam truz jd vespa kn bgs .
kuwl juak .
hihikk .
pix sblm g keja . lolx .
vrooommmmmm !!
nhaa . nhe pix umah yg km banci tuk fasa 3 .
andu whaa ciannya umahnya nhe .
ada ribut ckit rubuh sua nhe taw .
hmm =.=
but nhe mc bgs lek nhe ,
walaupun mao rubuh tp org dea pny kja mc oukie .
yg aq runsing sgt nhe tmpt yg akn aq banci is
ohh GOD !! please help me .
td sejaa aq tinjau2 sua seram aq d bwatnya .
pastu non citizen pla 2 .
haishhh !!
cmna nhe yea ?
br 2 yg bitch2x llk 2 mninguk aq semcm sejaa .
lae lhaa aq tkt !!
xiall dohh :(
well , apa2x pn kuatkn smngt luk .
ALLAH sentiasa bsm aq :)
aminn .
nhe ayam plg mangkuk pna aq jmpa !!
aq mao mmbanci dohh !! bkn mao makan kaw !!
d kejarnya pla aq .
xial btl !!
mntg2 lha aq takut ayam .
aq sembelih lha juak kaw nhe .
b'sukurr kaw sbb aq nhe baik .
wahahahahaa .
trepp :p
law nda aq culik sua kaw td .
hihi .
gylaa nhe ayam . mmg btl lha teda spm .
( ai ? mmg lha ayam teda spm )
hahahaa .
sowt kaw yine :))
oukie ,
kasut . shoes . sepatu :)
miss both of this shoes .
apa yg tggl hnya lha
very superlicious momento .
keep the faith and stay rebel .
Oi ! Oi ! Oi !

one of my favourite shoes .
buy with my first salary :)
never change it until now .
my dream shoes !!
wish can have it with my own money :)
start fall in love with it !!
goshh !! i want it muchyyyy !!
my future favourite shoes :)
will have it soon .
hahahahaa .
finally .
wait for me ah sepatu :)
do not go to another buyers :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
mess up my mind , mess up my room too !!
thats my messy life now .
full of fucking papers .
damn ! i should burn it :)
huahuahuaa .
pixaa time buhsan .
mcm mao gylaa seja aq tingu kertas2 2 .
what the goat !
lolx .
but the best part here is ,
yeayy !! fasa dua aq sua abes .
kunun2x lhaa .
huhu .
thats all 2 write .
nothing else in my mind :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
what did i do on this day ?
huff ~
sungguh panat ari nhe .
hihi .
but having fun with my sister .
along and angah :)
beginning ?
going to cimb .
hm . buhsan gylaa joo .
pnya lama urusan .
mcm doleng2 sua aq d bank 2 :)
then , aq nmpk nset dlm beg .
hihihi .
apa lek , snap2x lhaa :)
dr jam 1 leB , smpi jm 2 leB br aq kuar dr bank 2 .
what the goat btl !!
servis lmbt !!
kin blaa '==
nhe lha keja aq law buhsan :)
pantang nmpk nset :)
aq ska tgk logo COMMUNITY LINK 2 .
netaw napa :)
then snap sejaa lhaa .
bwat kenang-kenangan .
hihihii :D
pastu , tepon c angah .
suh dea join aq banci .
hahahahahaaa .
pny men bla dea :)
apa lhaa buli bwat ngah .
sua tlanjur kaw d bndr .
gasak lhaa .
trep2 mmbanci lha km nhe kunuk .
adoii bha , panaz woo tawau nhe .
mao gylak seja nda aq bjln kaki .
abes suma lemak2xku :(
kin sedey :(
after km sua selesai mmbanci ,
km pn duduk2x lha stay d pondok bas smbil mnikmati
yummy yummy yummy !!
licking good bhaa :)
org nmpk2x sejaa time b'lalu lalang dpn km .
mao seja aq ckp ,
"apa nmpak2x ? nda pna nmpk org mkn ka ? "
budhuu btl !
mcm seja km nhe tabaruz !
xial dohh ;O
kunuk lha nhe menghabiskn sisa2x muda .
mkn smbil bpkr .
lm sua km b'3 nda stay2x gni .
sumanya runsing amat cuz
yea lhaa ,
byk btl bha bnda + problema yg t'jd dlm 2 mggu nhe .
nda dpt mao kc lari dr otak biar 1 minit pn .
kalau lhaaaa .
nhe pix aq yg plg
yg prnah aq abadikn dlm nsetku ini .
hahahaha .
LAGO-LAGO nhe org tawau bilang .
miahahahahahaa .
sowt kaw dohh ;)
tp time aq tgk gmbr2xku nhe ,
mak aii !! hitamnya aq !!
mcm keling sejaaa !!
adaii taun nhe raya gan kulit hitam lha jwbnya :(
belang2x mcm zebra .
hahahahahaa .
kaw ada ??
huahuahuaaa .
bha ,
adios ! cheers !
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