Saturday, April 23, 2011

LIFE is not EASY .

morning pal .
 i dont know why i wanna write something in the early morning althrough tomorrow i'll go work a little bit early . hee :D
many ideas comes to my silly head . then i think i must write . just wanna share .
if you dont like to read it , never mind .
i didnt care at all :)

sometimes , i feel fed up to continue this life . sometimes i really think life is suck ! but i realize , without suckness , we didnt called it a LIFE .

yes ! life is not easy . not easy at all .

mao cheer nhe . baru2x nhe , aku dpt berita buruk . ibu adi passed away .

aku rasa sedey juaa . nda taw kenapa . mgkn sbb km pna rapat suatu ketika dahulu .
terasa jua kehilangannya ~

tp ALLAH lebih menyayanginya .

hrp adi bsabar & mnempuhi hidup nhe gan lebih REDHA .

hidup tanpa ibu d sisi adalah lebih sukar drpd yg d jangkakan . aku pn nda dpt predict mcm mn law aku kehilangan UMI & ABI . mengkali hilang kli jantung & nafas aku .

mnjalani idup sndiri d bandaraya bsr nhe pn bkn sesuatu yg mudah .

work lek lha mmbwat pning . sgt nda mmuaskn ati . sigh*
bkn teda keja len yg much better but kamurang taw lha , skrg nhe sumanya nda bulih memilih .
tima ja apa adanya asl ada hasil yg mmbwatkn kt trus idup .

nhaa , gitu lha kli pengertian aku . im still not understand yet about life . still didnt get what i want . what i wanna reach . what i have to get . what , what , what & what .

bhaa , Cheerios !

LIFE must be NOT EASY .

Check . Check . Rawk . Rawk .

puas ati aku dapat modified nhe blog .

dulu kna tingu pn mcm kitaii2x jaa . bida memanjang .

skrg ? em , NOT BAD lha org puteh bilang . hahahahaa !

SukaSuki d pagi hari . Tralalalaa ~ Cheers !

Friday, April 22, 2011

manukan island :)

p/s : angah birthday tp bangas punya cheer sua jd gmbr ja lha yg aku kc msuk k :)

aen . angah . along .

aen . theo .

kwn metro angah .

hehee . ini sejaa :D

randomLy .

domo says .

unSATISfied .

assalamualaikum ! whoaa ! long time not write ahh . hee :D . buhsan whaa . barusan ada broadband d tgnku . hihiihii .
em , ari nhe ari yg memntkn juaa lha tp nda lha pnt sgt .
al mklum lha , GOOD FRIDAY kn . suma org cuti so kedai pn busy .
but im not really satisfied with the hours that they giving us .
just 4hour to working . what the fish !!
last2x , pas keja trus join durg alis g pasar bli brg tp malangnya , pasar sua tutup . hahaa .
blk ja g kedai , aku trus myemak d back of house aka kitchen .
aku bljr lha kc rub sama itu ayammmm :D

uinaa . beku aku time d cni joo . kepandaian btl kn trep2x rub ayam dlm walk-in .
karas kaw dlm sna sndri . pdn muka ! hahahaa !

tadaa ! nhe lha hasil ayam saya . chantique kn . DELICIOUS !! yummy dummy !

bhaa . itu ja aku mao cheerithaa . nda taw apa lek mao tulis . teda dlm mind sua . hee .
bye2x . cheers !